Wednesday, March 21, 2018


March 21st, 2018

This sounds so like the times America is living in now.

Israel repeatedly breaks God's covenant law. (Hosea 8:1) They crown kings who should have never been crowned. (Hosea 8:4) They build idols that should never be worshipped. (Hosea 8:4-6) They make alliances with foreign nations, in direct opposition to God's decrees. (Hosea 8:9-10) They even appear to go through their religious rituals, but with their hearts in all the wrong places. (Hosea 8:11-13)

Ripe for destruction, indeed.  

I love this quote from Hubbard that reads, "God's judgment needs a reason; his compassion does not." This compassion is evidence of God's steadfast covenant commitment, even when His people have broken covenant. 

Hosea details the sins of Israel to show her the darkness of her ways. He is preparing her to understand the unexplainable grace of a God who will call her back to Him. He wants her to know the fullness of all that God will have to forgive. Yes, her sin has made her ripe for destruction. But this only makes it more astounding that the God of restoration loves her still. 

First Five.

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