Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Matthew 5:1-12

What does God require of us? 
He requires us to:
Be fair to everyone.
Forgive others quickly.
Be humble

Live a life of gratitude for His mercy and His grace knowing all things come from God.

As believers we are to be humble, comforting others in need, always seeking justice, merciful, and looking for peaceful solutions for ourselves and all people.

It was normal for a teacher or rabbi to sit while he taught, with his audience gathered around. The mountain, probably a high hill on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee, would have served as a natural amphitheater. Jesus had many disciples in addition to the crowds who followed Him and listened to His teaching. These disciples were probably confused as to the true nature of righteousness and God’s kingdom. In this address, Jesus clarified both the heart of the law and the nature of true religion in God’s kingdom (Micah 6:8). In a sense, Jesus turned the law, which was mainly negative, inside out to show its positive core.

The Beatitudes are comprised of three elements: a pronouncement of blessing, a quality of life, and a reason why the recipient should be considered blessed.

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