Friday, November 8, 2024

Love conquers all

 “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

We easily forget that. Especially when we’re juggling a lot of stuff, mentally and emotionally.
Today let us remember that we are all wired to need the healing balm of emotional and spiritual hydration. Yes, we all need replenishment.
And to remember that there is a light (“this little light of mine”) inside of me. And to listen to the invitation, to let that light spill.

Instructions on living in a broken world
Lean into community
Seek out love
Applaud the good you see
Keep paying attention
Talk to your neighbors
Dance to the music and embrace art
Look for love and small joys
Take breaks and relish in nourishing your body
Donate what you can
Linger at the dinner table with friends
Check in with your people
Let yourself grieve
Love one another as deeply as you can
The storm is upon us, and we must hold on
Don’t give up, we’re here together
(Thanks to Roger Wolsey)

If religion and religious people are to have any moral credibility in the face of the massive death-dealing and denial of this era, we need to move with great haste toward lives of political holiness. This is my theology and my politics:
It appears that God loves life: The creating never stops.
We will love and create and maintain life.
It appears that God is love—an enduring, patient kind.
We will seek and trust love in all its humanizing (and therefore divinizing) forms.
It appears that God loves the variety of multiple features, faces, and forms.
We will not be afraid of the other, the not-me, the stranger at the gate.
It appears that God loves—is—beauty: Look at this world!
Those who pray already know this. Their passion will be for beauty.
(Thanks to the Center for Action and Contemplation Adaption for this adaption, Richard Rohr, “Prayer as a Political Activity," Radical Grace 2)

Sabbath Moments

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