Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Book of Luke

THANKFULplainly, unadulterated gratefulness for the the King of kings and Lord of lords. Deeply moved and captured by the dear Holy Spirit who enables us to love others and to be loved by Him. Holy, holy, holy is the Father almighty who from the beginning loved His creation so much that our Savior and salvation was in His mind!

Love divine…Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The mind, body and heart of God revealed to mankind.

Christ in the Scriptures
Just like we’d expect from a family doctor, Dr. Luke sensitively describes Jesus as One who reaches out personally and heals those who are mercilessly caged by devastating illnesses. As a person, He is concerned with people. Whereas Matthew likes to refer to Jesus as the Son of David and Mark refers to Him as the Son of God, Luke’s favorite expression is “the Son of Man.”

Jesus’ humanity and compassion are repeatedly stressed by the author. This, coupled with Luke’s portrayal of Jesus’ sinless perfection, set up his logical conclusion. Because Jesus is the only perfect person born of a woman and because He identifies compassionately with the plight of suffering sinful people, He alone is qualified to carry our sorrows, bear our sin, and offer us the priceless gift of salvation.

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