Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Ezekiel 22:1-5

The only things that God hates is mans’ arrogance and pride. Our country is rife in both right now. He punishes those He loves and will use whatever happens as a teaching situation for our good and the good of His Body, the Church of Jesus Christ. we will learn the consequences of sin.

Money is one of the biggest idols in our country.

rife |rīf|
adjective [predicative]
(especially of something undesirable or harmful) of common occurrence; widespread: male chauvinism was rife in medicine in those days.
• (rife with) full of: the streets were rife with rumor and fear.
in an unchecked or widespread manner: speculation ran rife that he was an arms dealer.

Yahweh commands Ezekiel to judge, which appears to involve delivering an accusation rather than a verdict. The presence of idols makes the city ritually impure, though the city was already defiled due to bloodshed. Their sinful ways have brought the time for judgment even closer. The Hebrew word used here, cherpah, refers to a condition of shame or disgrace. Israel will be shamed before the nations. Faithlife Bible.

These verses focus on the sins of Jerusalem, principally bloodshed (social sin) as a result of idolatry (spiritual sin). A problem in the vertical relationship with God inevitably leads to some degree of injustice and injury in horizontal, human affairs. The city was ripe for judgment. When such hypocrisy is exposed and punishment is executed before the world, God’s people become lasting objects of ridicule. NKJ Bible.

Ezekiel 22:1–5 (NKJV)
22 Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Now, son of man, will you judge, will you judge the bloody city? Yes, show her all her abominations! Then say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “The city sheds blood in her own midst, that her time may come; and she makes idols within herself to defile herself. You have become guilty by the blood which you have shed, and have defiled yourself with the idols which you have made. You have caused your days to draw near, and have come to the end of your years; therefore I have made you a reproach to the nations, and a mockery to all countries.

 Those near and those far from you will mock you as infamous and full of tumult.

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