Thursday, March 27, 2025

We abide in the shelter of God’s agape love!

While we may not be called to the ends of the earth, we are all commissioned to share the Good News of Jesus Christ wherever we may be. And as Acts 13 illustrates, we will be blessed when we follow where the Holy Spirit leads, even in the midst of opposition, as He continues to build His beautifully diverse Church. First5

“We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone,” Margaret J Wheatley reminds us. “I believe that if we turn to one another… let go of our judgments, become curious about each other, and take the risk to begin a conversation… the world will be a better place.”
A reminder that yes, “In the shelter of each other the people live.”
And one of the gifts of connection, is that it invites us (allows us) to embrace vulnerability and tenderness—we are indeed, on this journey together. And with tenderness, a soft heart.
And I get it. Really. I do. But if we're honest, this whole soft heart routine can give us plenty of headaches. Especially in a culture that associates soft with weak or frail or compromised or wimpy. A culture where “strength” hides behind insecurity. And in that kind of world, we see only what we want to see, and we miss the profound truth: the connection between tenderness (soft heart) and courage. 

Here’s the good news; this is not a project or assignment or test. A tender heart is a gift to embrace.
And a gift to spill.
A gift that changes the world.

And when we live from tenderness, we “see” one another. Sabbath Moments

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