Friday, April 13, 2012

Obadiah 2-4

God rules all of humanity and is sovereign over all nations. We like to believe that we have control but He alone is the ultimate equalizer and justice is His alone. The Edomites mistreated their relatives, the Judeans, and they paid for their decision. God desires that we show mercy and favor our neighbors in their time of distress. We need to follow Christ’s admonition to love our neighbors as much as we do ourselves and prove it by our actions! 
God would bring about a reversal of Edom’s inflated self-importance. Some of the mountain peaks of Edom reach over six thousand feet; Jerusalem is about 2,300 feet above sea level.  Edom’s physical location became a metaphor for the proud and haughty spirit that the nation had displayed at the time of Judah’s distress. Trusting in its high places and mountainous strongholds, Edom reckoned that no one could bring it to account for its actions.
Obadiah 2-4
2 “Behold, I will make you small among the nations; 
You shall be greatly despised. 
3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, 
You who dwell in the clefts of the rock, 
Whose habitation is high; 
You who say in your heart, ‘Who will bring me down to the ground?’ 
4 Though you ascend as high as the eagle, 
And though you set your nest among the stars, 
From there I will bring you down,” says the Lord. 

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